Let me start with a question: how much time do you spend daily to stay on track with developments in your business area or fields of interest? How does your preferred mix of reading (newsletters), listening (to podcasts) and watching (YouTube channels) look like? 🤔
Happy to read your answers in the comments!
I admit that I am still more of a reader, although a few good podcasts got me and I randomly watch B2B content creators on YouTube or Tiktok. However, I love to be inspired by smart people and good content, and I probably spend 2-3 hours every day scrolling through the newsletters in my inbox and on the subscribed channels.
My favorite time of day to do it is right after I wake up and have my first cup of coffee. I collect all links, quotes and graphs that fit with my focus areas #sustainability #ai #digital #impactcommunication #conversations #eventdesign and #trendsinbusiness but up to now I have not found a handy tool to tag and store across all channels, recommendations are welcome (preferably no further expensive subsription, though, I already have dozens of those).
Did you know, by the way, that 2023 is dedicated as the European Year of Skills? Various activities address the skill gaps and engage for lifelong learning. A pity the year is nearly over, I could have applied as a testimonial 😉)
Below my favorites' list, subject to updates and - you know the game - without liability for the functionality of the provided links and the content.
I selected those publications and channels that really deliver valuable content without too much selling activity.
WHAT makes smart people is learning from even smarter ones

A great read (in German language) is the monthly LinkedIn newsletter of Prof. Dr. Yasmin Weiß, providing an academic yet leadership oriented view on skills and workplaces in the AI era.
Might be equally listed under trends but TrendWatching Newsletter especially their bi-weekly MakeShift updates - recently merged with the Business of Purpose community - delivers many stories around purposeful and sustainable brand innovations.
With a similar direction come the publications of the Fast Company NY, but they are not not fully complimentary I started to rather follow them on LinkedIn and to regularly monitor the Fast Company Impact website to read about 'The great ideas that change the world'.
IDEO's design thinking experts offer diverse perspectives on human-centered innovation. I've been inspired by following them on Instagram and reading their journal.
Whatever your view is on the big consultancy companies, I find McKinsey Insights on sustainability, delivered in my inbox and via app, pretty valuable. This also applies to the detailed articles found in HBR and Quartz newsletters, where you can choose topics relevant to you. However, I cancelled both subscriptions a while back due to the TLDR syndrome.
I prefer reading the (German) magazine Good Impact in its bi-monthly print version and to listen to their podcasts with good news and good stories.

Henry Coutinho-Mason sends very smart observations and reflections about The Future Normal in his LinkedIn Newsletter, and I currently also read his book with the same title, co-written with trend curator Rohit Bhargava.
With a similar approach comes David Mattin's Substack-based New World Same Humans Newsletter (also available as audio version) more or less weekly and it always provides great food for thought, not only on tech trends but above all on how they relate with our deepest human conditions.
Via David I got to follow as well the Next Conference community, offering an annual event linked to the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg, but also a well curated website and a newsletter, valuable to stay informed on hot marketing and business topics.
Talking about marketing and Hamburg of course the OMR festival is an inspirational MUST, although it is covered so broadly on LinkedIn by influencers that I barely feel the need to attend in person 🤓. Fot tool tips and reviews OMR reviews is a 'go to' source.
To stay informed with Berlin business and tech news I take a few minutes on Monday mornings for Handpicked Berlin by Igor Ranc on Substack.
The Superhuman newsletter from LinkedIn Top Voice Zain Khan delivers news on AI business, covering all big players' strategies and tool recommendations daily into my inbox. Whith all those tools and LLM versions popping up every single day it helps me keeping track (well, sometimes feels rather overwhelming).
I also started to join the complimentary Gartner on-demand webinars on AI, strategy and data storytelling. True, I'm not their target audience, but the worldwide research results and free slide downloads are genuinely helpful.
Additionally, Tom Davenport's monthly newsletter is an easy read as it only links to his recent publications with some context around. He is a Harvard University professor and a reliable source of the global CDOs topics.

I also listen to some voices who share intriguing ideas about meetings and gatherings, both small and large.
To follow The Art of Gathering author Priya Parker is a MUST, I do so via her Instagram account.
Dan Ram's blog helps everyone looking for a speaking career, but as we collaborated once, I also like to follow his reflections about life and profession on other channels.
In German language Kathrin Taepke's MICEstens digital blog is the number one source for digital workflows, tools and honest comments about the conference industry. I started to follow her during the pandemic and can't count how many times she saved me hours with her well curated themed blog posts and tool reviews.
Last but not least I would like to share three inspirational content channels
Following the artists of Berlin based Basa Studio on Instagram provides new ideas how to include creative art into marketing and communication projects on their website you can also subscribe for their newsletter.
In terms of performing arts and event dramaturgy I love to watch the impressive movies and case studies of Battle Royal Studios on Instagram.
In Dorothy Di Stefano's LinkedIn posts you will find even more immersive and digital art from all over the world.
You wonder what kind of benefit I am getting out of this extensive content ? Well, first of all I never run out of topics for informal chats during any kind of business gathering. But of course I can't afford to spend a few hours every day just to end up being good at talking.
All the content shapes new thoughts and ends up in new ways of approaching communicative tasks and delivering creative concepts for my clients.
I strongly believe in cross-pollination and as recently a female thought leader (if I remember correctly it was the fabulous tech evangelist Mina Saidze) formulated it for herself "I am a renaissance woman". My blog aims to reflect that and as according to LinkedIn newsletters stay highly relevant, I will give it a try myself.
I consider to start my own LinkedIn Newsletter with a similar concept around my favorite topic categories, but for the start probably in German language only.
Follow me on LinkedIn to not miss the launch!
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Bernhard Wolff (Tuesday, 28 November 2023 12:43)
Glückwunsch zur neuen Seite liebe Sandra!
Gruß nach Hamburg